"Holistic" is derived from the Greek word holos which means "whole". And so the aim of a holistic health practitioner is to focus not on disease, but rather mind, body, emotional and spiritual wellness. The difference between what an Allopathic, conventional professional does and what a holistic practitioner does is simple to explain. Orthodox, allopathic medicine has its focus on treating the symptoms of disease whereas holistic therapies focus on preventing or getting to the cause of illness. The one treats sections or parts of the body whereas the latter treats the person as a whole; proper nutrition, healthy mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self.
A holistic practitioner uses non-invasive, drugless healing methods to help facilitate in bringing a state of homeostasis to the client. The great benefit about being a holistic health practitioner is that you can never get bored of your practice because there are numerous methods in holistic medicine that aim at focusing on the whole person. It is an enjoyable process to keep adding to your knowledge base. Some of the methods used depending upon credentials; acupuncture, homeopathy, nutrition, self care, energy medicine, spiritual counseling, Reiki, meditation, sauna therapy, catalytic herbs, Chinese herbal medicine, hair analysis, using ancient wisdom principles, power of intention, quantum physics, brain reprogramming to name a few.
Health Check
A holistic practitioner understands that the body has an innate capacity and intelligence to heal when given the proper tools - exercise, inner reflection, nutrition, rest and social interaction. When holistic medicine is used in conjunction with conventional, allopathic medicine, we normally call that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).
The key is to be able to balance the body - mind - spirit connection by integrating practices from all of these standpoints. Holistic health emphasizes prevention, health maintenance, longevity and wellness. A practitioner in a sense, also becomes an intuitive life coach, addressing the clients entire world including family, job, health and spiritual needs. A holistic practitioner knows that the client is fully responsible for their own healing and views them as an active participant in the healing process.
Allopathic medicine is reactive whereas holistic is proactive. Holistic medicine works best for prevention of disease as well as relieving and getting to the cause of chronic disease. A practitioner can check for toxicity levels and set a plan in place to help the body help itself by gently removing the toxins and then employing an entire program to help build the immune system.
What do holistic health practitioners find themselves doing once they complete a holistic health practitioner program? The ideas and opportunities are endless; from manufacturing or formulating nutritional supplements to holding health seminars, tele-classes, writing articles, books or workbooks, or educating others, owning their own business or consulting practice - you can see the list is endless depending upon how creative you want to get. The great thing about HHP's is that they can successfully work from home and create their own hours, as well as cost per client session.
If you are interested in enrolling in a home study, correspondence HHP program and would like to apply for board certification as an HHP through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, consider taking a look at our HHP preset programs or choose five courses to create and build your own HHP program. Visit here to browse our Natural Health, Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling programs http://www.holistichealersacademy.com.
What is a Holistic Health Practitioner? (HHP)
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